Languages Abroad
This link leads to a "Learn Spanish in Spain" site
(not the one detailed below) and has links to
similar sites for French, German, Italian, Russian
and English (as an additional language). There are
some free language teaching resources and games,
Alien Language

Learn the names of the parts of the body in English,
French, German or Italian. This is a great game that
you can play on line or download to play off line.
Spanish and World Language Links
A nicely presented website focusing on Spanish. It's
mainly a links collection but has other useful
stuff, too.
Very useful! Pages about French, German, Italian and
Spanish and an extra section for other languages.
Don Quijote
This website, devoted to the Spanish language and
all things Spanish is a commercial concern but has a
very useful free section. Markus Renstrom, their
marketing man, says, "
On our website
we offer free online Spanish language resources,
like the Spanish word of the day, Spanish level
test, interactive games, dictionary, info on the
Spanish culture and much more."
E L Easton

A site dedicated to language learning. It has lots
of useful materials and links. Lots that would be
useful for EAL and for those studying or teaching a
range of other languages, as well as a whole page of
links devoted to answering the question, "Why study
A comprehensive list of links to sites offering free
resources for learning Spanish at all levels.
activities for Foreign Language Classes
These pages from the California Language Teachers'
Association contain advice and ideas for using the
internet in MFL teaching and has a page of links
recommended by teachers.
Languages On Line
Lots of interactive exercises in a variety of modern
languages (French, German, Italian, Spanish,
Catalan) at a variety of levels - some for
beginners, some more advanced. Well worth a look.
Learn Spanish in Spain

Tommy Tokstad is an enthusiast for the idea of
learning a language in the country in which it is
spoken. His site contains information about the
Spanish language, its use in business and elsewhere,
dialects, how quickly you can learn it, Spanish
culture, which courses you can find at a typical
language school in Spain, visa requirements -- and
particular emphasis on how to find a good school.
This is an excellent resource for anyone thinking of
studying a language abroad.
Lingu@net Virtual Language Centre
CILT's presence on the internet. There are links
(including to their own pages on variety of
languages), materials, advice about using ICT in
language teaching, a forum and more.
Hangman in Many Languages
Just what it says on the packet :-)
Love Languages

I Love Languages is the languages catalogue of the
WWW Virtual Library. It has links lists for 198
world languages (including the usual European
languages that children in UK study in school).
There are links to online dictionaries for 19
different languages and more....
The website of The National Advisory Centre on Early
Language Learning, which is an offshoot of CILT.
This is a must-visit site if you are involved in
teaching modern foreign languages at KS1 or KS2.
There is advice, downloadable resources, information
sheets, publishers' details, examples of good
practice, a page dedicated to networking (for both
teachers and pupils) and information about
professional development.
Quia Online
Links to a collection of on-line activities. Choose
your language from the list of available subjects
and tehn search for the kind of activity you want.
Quia activities are submitted by subscribers and
they do not guarantee their quality. Worth a look,
Another links collection with links to sites for
lots of languages.
Zut! Online activities
Zut! provides a comprehensive set of interactive
activities for secondary MFL teacehrs. This link is
to their French Site but there are links from it to
their sites in Spanish, German and Welsh. There are
hundreds of exercises, many of which have audio
samples of native speakers. It is an easily
navigated resource, organised for each year of study
and includes exercises for the interactive
Zut! is free to use in the evenings and weekends,
but for use during the school day you will have to
register (and pay! - you can use ELCs and it's
pretty inexpensive). |