and Organisations

BETT is the annual trade show for educational
technology, held each January at Olympia in London.
Entry is free and limited to those who work in
education. A visit to BETT is an essential INSET
activity for anyone who is concerned about using ICT
in education.
The Chartered Institute for IT
Useful, includes a section for schools.
Covering all
aspects of education north of the border and of
particular interest to teachers in Scotland. GLOW is
the Scottish national intranet for ICT education. If
you are a teacher in Scotland and interested in how
ICT can benefit your teaching this is well worth a
Examination Resources
Studies for A Level Students
Just what it says on the box. Lots of the content carries a price
tag but there is enough free stuff to make it worth visiting.

Lots of support, advice and links from the King John School in Essex.
OCR Nationals ICT
A commercially available tracking / assessment
system for KS4 & 5. Some free units available.
Revise ICT
Lots of fun revision stuff for Pupils in KS3 and up.
Web Building
Building a Web
From the former webmaster of the prizewinning Southwold Primary School (our very own Simon
Widdowson), a simple guide to building your first webpage. This link
takes you to the home page. Choose the sitemap,
then run a search for "web design".
Information and help in using HTML to build web pages and websites.
Although it claims to be suitable for beginners, this site would, in
my opinion, be of more use to those who have an idea of what HTML is
and how it works. It could be very useful in taking you forward if
you have used some of the more basic sites listed here. There is
some excellent stuff here and it could prove very useful if you are
starting to build web pages from raw code. There is a very helpful
advice forum.
Making a School Website

Woodlands Junior School in Kent have one of the most
successful and innovative school sites. Here they
give advice and help to anyone wanting to emulate
them. Superb!
Lissa Explains It All

This site explains in terms kids can understand how websites work and all the basics of
HTML code. It is colourful and lively but supported by advertising.
School Icons Club
A great place for icons, buttons, backgrounds and other graphics for your school or
persoal website. All for free.

Here's another site full of advice and resources for
those wanting to learn how to build websites. IT has
become quite technical and no longer has a kids'
page, but there are useful tutorials for those who
like the techie side of things.
Resource Banks and Links Lists
The 7 Sisters
They say the7sisters is a website dedicated to
supporting the ICT teacher and subject Coordinator
in UK Primary Schools (KS 1 and 2). It is a portal
through which you will find free classroom teaching
resources and links to ICT resources and services by
other providers.It looks well worth a visit.

Free downloadable resources. (You have to register)
Lots of resources and ideas. Useful section on assessment in ICT.
ICT Support service for Swansea and the surrounding
area. This is a superb resource for anyone teaching
with ICT.

This is a really great site for KS3 and above. Lots of information,
links, curriculum support.
Teach (with) ICT

A group of ICT teachers have prepared interactive resources for KS3
pupils. These focus on developing ICT skills and knowledge. Most of
these are free. The latest, Renegade Hero - a game that will really
catch the interest of pupils, costs - although there are some trial
sections on the website.
Software and Hardware
2Simple Software

Producers of a range of innovative and prize winning
software, much of it designed for KS1 and Foundation
but equally useful to older children.
AVP Educational Software Guide
AVP are one of the leading suppliers of software to
schools. This is their website.
Crick Software
This is the company that produces and markets Clicker and Word Bar. Clicker gives you a
grid of cells which can be individually programmed to insert text etc. into word
processors. Especially useful for children with reading / writing difficulties since you
can, for example put pictures in cells and program it so that clicking on a cell enters
the word that the picture represents. There is much more to it than that - take a look! For
those that already have Clicker or Word Bar you can select from a growing bank of free
resources at Clicker Grids for
educational technology.
Flowol is a well known and well respected program
and associated hardware for computer-based control.
Flowol works by building control programs in the
form of flow charts (hence the name) allowing
children to build up control programs by dragging
and dropping symbols onto a chart. This is the
supplier's website and includes details and prices
of the Flowol program and hardware as well as advice
and a few free downloads.
Logotron Software at
Supplier of some of the most innovative software
over the past 40 years. As of December 1st 2008
Logotron is working in partnership with Rickitt Educational Media
Ltd (REM), a leading supplier of educational software to schools.
Under the agreement REM will be the sole UK distributor for Logotron
brand products.
REM Educational
Another major supplier of educational software.
Sherston Software
Another well known software publisher whose products
have won plaudits over a long period of time.
Educational Software Review
Reviews of educational software.
Swallow Systems
The home site of those favourite classroom robots PIP and PIXIE. The site has product
information and a wealth of ideas for using them in the classroom. You can also buy the
parts to build your own robots. Wow!!!!
Developments Ltd
A major supplier of software and hardware,
particularly for primary schools.
TEEM - Teachers
Evaluating Educational Multimedia
Just what it says on the label. A very useful source
of reviews of software - find out what other
professionals think before you buy.
Valiant Technology
All you ever wanted or need to know about Valiant Roamers including all the
instructions! Lesson plans the lot here. Well worth the visit.
WEEE - The Environment Agency
You can no longer just throw away
that old computer. There are now laws about how you can get rid of
old equipment. WEEE stands for Waste from Electrical and
Electronic Equipment and the Environment Agency tells you what
you need to know.
Other Useful Sites
Free tutorials on using the programs in MS Office
BT Education Programme

Masses of stuff concerned with learning to use modern communications. This is a must
visit site if you are a teacher, child or parent (or, indeed, anyone else).
is a website run by 2 secondary teachers. There are
free and not-so-free resources (mostly secondary) -
well worth a look.
The Educational Technology Site
Terry Freedman, one of the UK's best known ICT in education gurus
has lots of useful stuff on his website (No, no
relation to the Vaultman!)
Lots of free "how-to" tutorials.
UK ICT Co-ordinator
A site dedicated to ICT Coordinators, especially in secondary, but lots of
generally useful stuff. There are links, downloads, discussion groups and advice.
Internet for Education
A free tutorial from the Institute of Education, University of
London to practice your information skills. Intended for Students -
useful for adults.
Don't know what ADSL means? Puzzled by the difference between Java and Java Script? This
site explains all those puzzling technical terms and acronyms.
ICT Themes
Part of the excellent
Kent Grid for Learning' website. This page
has links to their stuff on each of five themes:
Handling Data , Research & Awareness, Communication,
Control & Sensing and Modelling & Simulation.
Each section has curriculum guidance and links
to appropriate external websites.
Search Engines for Kids
An Australian site with a list of child-friendly
search engines. Could be useful.
Welcome to the Web

A web site which introduces the internet and how to use it in a
simple interactive way. You will be offered a choice between the
original site and the Brand New site. Quite fun.

WP Clip Art
A large collection of public domain clipart.
Make cartoon images or animations online with this
site from Disney. It costs to use it privately but
is free to schools.
Pivot Stick-Figure Animator
This is great! Create stick figures and animate
them. Very easy and very effective. Kids love it
(and so do I).
All About Animals

An online database activity for KS1 children.
Colourful, simple and informative.
Programming &
MSW Logo   
MMLogic is a freeware graphic logic block builder. Support
learning about boolean logic by building virtual
logic circuits. MSW Logo is a full
traditional implementation of the Logo
programming language (turtle graphics and much
more). Free to download.
Scratch is a new programming language (actually, it's really Logo, in a
heavily disguised, 21st century form) that makes it
easy to create interactive stories, games, and
animations – and share your creations with others on
the web. Instead of writing programs children can
click together graphic objects to form a sort of
flow diagram. As well as the free program file to
download (They even provide an msi version for
networks) the site has examples of children's work,
instructions, videos and downloadable support
City Creator
Drag and drop pieces to build your own city.

A simple roller coaster simulation. Set the height
of the hill and loop, the gravity, the friction etc.
and then see if your roller coaster stays on the
track all the way to the end.
Design a whole city!
Design a Duck

Yes - this simple but fun simulation game is ideal for the KS2 unit
on simulations. You can download it from the CGP website.
Design a Garden / Design a Room

Visit the Geffrye Museum's Kids' site and design a
period garden or a period room.
Lego Creator
Design and build your own Lego creations.
Mr Picassohead
Build you own Picassoesque faces. Great fun.
Planet 10

Design your own extra planet for the Solar System.
(There are also links to a few other games from the
same source).
Shed Aquarium

Design a fish that will survive in the reef.
Virtual Village

A simulation of the real model village of Bekonscot.
With trains that move and all!
Web Searching
Sites which ask the question, "Can you always
trust the information that you find on the
A Guide to Critical Thinking About What You See on
the Web
Exactly what it says - probably most useful to
secondary children.
Pigeon Rank
Google explains how they use pigeons to work their
search engine.
Tree Octopus
Information about one of
the world's most endangered animals.
Online Safety
BBC Webwise Safety & Privacy
How to stay safe when you are on line and links to
lots of useful sites about online safety.
Chat Danger
This site is all about the potential dangers of
interactive services like chat, Instant Messaging,
email, texting and online games. Find out what the
dangers are and how to chat safely.
A fun place to learn about internet safety.
An Australian site all about communications safety.
There are sections about different kinds of
communication and each section has different areas
for different ages. (The site is sponsored by the
Australian Government).
Don't Be In The Dark
Part of Disney's website. Safe surfing advice for
kids, and parents too, presented in a fun way.
Get Safe On
Really useful site.
Lots of useful information, games and activities to
help you learn and practise your online safety
skills. (There are areas for parents and teachers
Internet Safety Zone
An excellent website with lots of advice about
safety on (and off) the internet. Choose the
section for your age group.
Simple advice and links to further advice on the
Internet Safety Zone. This site is part of CEOP
(Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre).
There are sections for different age groups and for
parents and teachers.