Art of Australia
A useful site for finding out about the art of indigenous Australian
cultures. There are lots of examples and explanations.
Artist's Toolkit
Images are made
up of many different elements, such as lines, edges, colours and shapes.
Watch short animations which explain them, Find the elements in real
pictures, then experiment for yourself online. There are also links to short
videos of two artists at work.
Art Unframed
A massive Art History resource with access to more than 23,000
paintings by over 2,000 artists. simply laid out and easy to
CGFA Fine Arts
If you're looking for a first class range of Western artists from
Greek times to the modern day, then this is the site for you. The
Artist Index lists artists in alphabetical order and you can also
search by date or school. Excellent.
Crayola Creativity Central
Crayola are the company that make those crayons and
paints and stuff. Their website has activities for
kids and ideas for parents and teachers. Great
This site from Worcestershire LEA is superb. It is full of ideas and
visual resources for using ICT in art together with examples of work
done be real children. f you are using computers for art work then
this is a must see site.
Teachers' guide to teaching about impressionism and a take "guided
tour through turn of the century France and explore the interesting
concepts that defined the Impressionism art movement"
Do you like those adventure books where you read the page and then
make a choice at the end of the page about where you go next? You
know the ones I mean? Well this is the same! An excellent adventure
to get you looking at paintings. You'll love it!
Library of Art History
They say,"The History of Art Virtual
Library is a collection of links relating to Art History and
computer applications in Art History. The site is sponsored by
CHArt, the Computers and History of Art Group. We aim to list
sites relevant both to people with a general interest in the subject
and to students and scholars of Art History."
A bilingual (French / English) site dedicated to the works of the
first Impressionist. Images are there but very slow to load.
Basic information about Rembrandt and a lot of pictures to view and
Van Gogh
Information Gallery
Wow! If you want to find out anything about the man
and his work (including recent news and
developments) this is the site for you. There are
graphics, too, for every one of van Gogh's 876 paintings
(as well as an additional 1,326 graphics on the drawings, letter
sketches and watercolours).

Galleries and Museums
The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
A small, but informative site about this major provincial museum.
The Fitzwilliam has an excellent education department and their
Egyptian gallery is a great place to take KS2 children.
Global Children's Art Gallery
Just what it says on the tin - a place for viewing and displaying
art by children from all round the world.
The Hayward
Gallery, London
Information about major touring exhibitions of modern art and media.
Regularly updated.
The Louvre
The famous museum in Paris
The Metropolitan Museum of New York
Superb site. Huge number of online images together with information
about them. You can search for artists by name and can even make
your own online museum collection. The home page features a
different ArtiFact each day.
Net (Museums in the UK)
Links to museums all over the United Kingdom - at least all those
that have websites. Find out where to go and what to see. A must for
planning school visits. Regularly updated.
The National Gallery, London
Information about Britain's national art collection. You can visit
parts of the gallery on-line and view paintings from the collection.
They have a superb education department, with good information
The National Gallery of Art, Washington
Searchable for information about pictures and artists. Lots of
images from the collection can be viewed.
The National Portrait Gallery, London
Visit this fascinating gallery and see painted portraits of famous
people. Find out what all those historical characters really
looked like! Again, excellent educational facilities.
The National Portrait Gallery, Washington
This is the website of America's equivalent of our NPG.
Prado Museum
Visit Madrid's famous museum and see good quality images of some of their
collection. (Searching with the search box empty gets everything!)
The Tate Gallery, London
A slick website with links to the Tate's other sites around the
country, including St Ives and Liverpool. It has a full catalogue of
works in the collection, but disappointingly few illustrations. The
site now also has pages and samples from the new Tate Modern.
The Victoria and Albert Museum, London
The V&A is the world's largest museum of decorative arts. This is a
flashy and complex site which isn't easy to navigate - but it's
worth sticking at it. By using the tours under the explore
option you can view a selection of objects from the various
WebMuseum, Paris
Lists of painters and movements. Lots of background information and
lots of images for each page.
Other Interesting Art Sites
Art Attack
The website of the well known children's TV program. (It might be
worth turning the sound down before clicking this
A huge site with a featured museum page and links to other museums
worldwide. Search the database of over 6,000 artists' names. Choose
an artist and it will give you links to the museums or galleries
where the artists's work can be found and sites where illustrations
and information can be found. Excellent.
The Art of Crime Detection
Originally from the Art Edventures suite, this
interactive activity looks at the role of left and
right brain in the skills of the artist. Fun.
(Includes a teachers' guide).
Art Teacher on the Net
An award winning American site aimed at children, teachers and
parents. (The art treacher is called Valerie Colston). The site is
colourful and eyecatching and is packed with ideas for artistic
projects and activities as well as other art related information.
A Pintura, Art Detective
An interactive detective adventure to help children from KS2 upwards
learn about art and artists.The player has to identify a mystery
work of art by comparing it to the work of 6 well known artists.
Site of the Minneapolis Institute of arts. Includes indexes of
lesson plans and activities and links to other sites with similar
The Bayeux
The entire tapestry illustrated in 35 sections, with a brief
description of each. You can also view highlights and information
about the construction and history of the tapestry.
The Collage Portal
An image database containing over 20,000 works from the Guildhall
Library and Guildhall Art Gallery in London.
Fixing Shadows
This site is subtitled STILL PHOTOGRAPHY. They say, "Fixing shadows
consists of a set of pages devoted to photographic topics including
the work of individual photographers and photographs of historical
and ethnographic interest and value. We also want to develop pages
devoted to family photography and to miscellaneous "found"
photographs that catch our fancy." There are both photographs and
articles. The site has links to lots of interesting things including
the pages about the photography of Lewis Carroll.
Incredible Art Department
An American site, but with loads of information and links which are
useful for teachers in the UK. Lesson plans are available, too!
Jackson Pollock
Just a bit of fun! Paint like JP. Move your mouse
around to throw paint (the slower the movement the
bigger the splashes); click to change colour.
Northumberland Art Information Sheets
A collection of posters and worksheets on different aspects of art
eg. Tone, Line, Colour, Pattern, Texture and many more. All
downloadable for free.
Regional Arts Pages
This is the UK Arts' Council's website. Very useful site for
teachers to find out what is going on locally in the arts.
21st Century British Sculpture
A collection of information about and images of the work of an
enormous range of modern British sculptors.

Links that might be useful in planning
for QCA Units
Isle of Wight LEA's Art & Design page. Links, resources and ideas
for the QCA Units.
4C Journeys
Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Goldsworthy is a sculptor who uses natural materials to build
his sculptures. This section of the 21st Century British Sculpture
site is a collection of photos showing examples of his work and of
him working. Correspondent Margaret Allen recommends these photos
for use with the QCA module on Journeys. She says, "The
last thirteen photos, I think, give a really good analogy of a
journey taken. From the beginning - Where you plan it, with some of
the experiences along the way, where you are sometimes on your own,
at other times you could do with some company. Sometimes things go
well, and you need to look back and reflect and look back from
different perspectives / angles until you reach your destination
which again offers all sorts of opportunites / views etc."
Sign Posts
This page from the Heritage Woods On Line website gives some ideas
for using a woodland visit this topic. (This is a pdf
document. You will need the free pdf reader to view it - there is a
link on our Resources
Home page).

A selection of useful programs that you can download
for free.
This is a freeware 3D
modelling and character animation program.
Download it - use it. You can also download a user manual in PDF
format. The site also has tutorials and a gallery. I like the look
of this.
Art Rage

Great painting program which has tools that mimic real brushes,
pastels, chalks etc. The full version costs but the free Starter
Edition has
enough facilities to keep your pupils happy for ages.
Gif Animator
A simple utility program (originally from Microsoft) for combining
individual frames into a "flick-book" style animation in gif format
(a standard internet animation format).
IrfanView (pronounced "ear fan view")

Still one of the best free photo-managing programs. Great for
viewing photos and for simple photo-manipulations such as cropping,
rotating, colour adjusting, resizing etc. is a sort of souped-up replacement for Microsoft Paint
that comes as a freebie with all Windows computers. It is freely
downloadable from this website. Although it is free it does have a
lot of features.

Another excellent fully featured image editor which is freely
downloadable. There are lots of add-ons that can be downloaded from
the site but most come with the instructions in French (Most are
pretty obvious even if you don't parle Français).
Pivot Stick Figure Animator

Just what it says - this wonderful little program lets you draw and
animate stick people (and other stick figures). You can also include
background images. Kids love it (and so do I)
Tux Paint

An excellent simple painting program.