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Tropical Rainforests
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General Geography Information
Back To School
This new site from Save the Children helps teachers get to grips with the
citizenship component of the national curriculum. Part of the charity's Forgotten
Children Campaign, the site contains structured lesson plans in Art, English,
Drama and PSHE / Citizenship, along with case studies and maps highlighting the plight of
the 13 million internally displaced children who have been forced from their homes by
conflict but remain within the borders of their own countries. geography portal is a site providing resources for teachers and students of
Geography! Photograph case studies, links, anthems, flags, outline maps and a huge amount
of other resources are available here!
CIA -- The World
Factbook 1999
Look up any fact, geographical, political or economic, about any country you care to think
of. This site has been set up by the CIA, so presumably is useful for any would be
Commonwealth Institute
A source of information on commonwealth countries. As well as information on the Institute
itself, there is a Teachers Resource section, which is only a prototype at the moment, but
which looks extremely promising. Aimed at teachers of KS2 and KS3, it offers curriculum
focussed information, including links to the learning grids of many other countries,
accompanied by some learning activities and worksheets. At the moment the only country
included is South Africa, but there are plans to extend this to cover all commonwealth
Constants and Equations Page

This is really useful. Do you want to know the mass of the Earth, its volume or the
time of sunrise in Kabul on January 18th? Do you know how many gallons there are in a dry
pint? Do you know what a slug or G-pound is and how many Kg it is equal to? This site has
over 4500 pages of information about scientific, mathematical or astronomical constants
and equations.You can get a table of sunrise/set times for any place on Earth - useful for
the KS2 QCA Unit on Sun Earth and Moon.
Disaster Area
Floods, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Tsunami, Storms, Wildfires and more... Learn about natural
disasters.Simple explanations, lively graphics. Kids will enjoy this one.
Earth and Moon viewer

A definite must for work on the Earth in Space! View a map of the Earth showing day and
night regions right at this moment, as seen from the sun, the moon, or a satellite. Or
view the moon from above named locations. There is also a link to an interactive orrery.
Part of the above site.
World Encyclopedia
The Ellis
Island, New York, site
Lots of links and search facilities relating to the millions who passed through there and
into a new life in the States.
Essentials (4Learning)

Part of Channel 4's educational offering, this interactive site has sections called
"Investigating Our Local Area", "People and Places" and "The
Environment". There is also an A-Z of geographical terms. Each section has several
subsections, is referenced to the QCA scheme and has information, a quiz, downloadable
worksheets, a bank of clip art and photographic images,web links and activities to do at
The Guardian 07.01.97.described this as 'a one man bid to set up the definitive web site
for Geography teachers'. Good on ideas and is gradually developing its resources.
GeoNet Internet Geography
No apparent connection with the above but this is another really useful site for
geographers.It contains geographical resources for both teachers and students. The site
contains hundreds of links, downloadable teacher resources, revision help and an ask a
geographer facility. Well worth a closer look.
Provides all the Geographical links that you ever wanted - on one easy to navigate site!
Lots of information relating to Japan. Site run by English speaking architects based in
Informal Cyberspace Tour Depot
This site is particularly useful for students in middle school. The main tours deal with
street markets and bazaars in Egypt and Mexico and all the tours are accompanied with
commentary. They should be good for classes dealing with social studies or intenational
studies, or for student preparing country reports on Mexico or Egypt.
- Geography
A page from the very excellent Hugo Meynell School Website. This is a links list for maps,
photographs or information on countries, cities and famous landmarks.
Map Worksheet Factory
If you have used the excellent Maths Worksheet Factory then you will want to have a go at
this one. You can download a trial version for free. (The full product is only $20).
National Geographic
Gives access to an online version of the National Geographic magazine. There is also the
facility to print out maps, and to view an archive of photographic images. Provides links
to travel and tourism sites. Some of the pages are very slow to load.
National Railway Museum, York
Definitely one for railway buffs! Perhaps not so much for teachers, although there is a
nice section on the history of railway posters. The graphics can make it slow to download.
National Tramway Museum
The UK's premier museum about trams, at Crich in Derbyshire.
Screen Cam Links
Screen Cam Links
These two sites are both gateways to web cams all over the world - see what's happening
out there, live!
Web: Geography
Provides links to sites of a geographical nature. Most of these seem to consist of maps,
although there is also a section on Natural and Human Made Disasters.
Ideas for Primary Geography
This site contains a selection of activities and worksheets to download dealing with
mapwork, learning about places and weather. You are also able to contribute your own
Comprehensive information about each of the countries in Africa. (The site has annoying
pop-up ads on every page, though)
World Desk Reference
1000s of charts and illustrations, 100s of maps, 25000 facts and statistics.AN excellent
resource from Dorling Kindersley.
Environment & Habitats

Excellent information about the types of habitat that are found on our planet.

A Photograph of the Earth's surface at night, taken from space showing the lights of
settlements. Amazing but takes a long time to download.
of the Atmospheric Environment
A Canadian site with masses of information on the atmosphere and weather. Includes lots of
stuff on the health of the atmosphere eg. acid rain, air quality, ozone depletion. Many of
the pages are presented at "younger" and "older" levels (but even the
"younger" pages are a bit wordy).
Environment Agency of
England and Wales
Lots of information from this National Agency.

A very good site for anyone studying Antarctica. Suitable for upper key stage2+.
It Like Where You Live?
Pages about tundra, desert, temperate forests, grasslands, taiga This site is part of a the
larger Evergreen Project site called "Biomes of the World". A well thought
out and comprehensive resource. The Evergreen Project also has two other sections that
might be of interest on Freshwater
ecosystems and Marine
Wild Places
This is the Friends of the Earth site and it places emphasis on our need to protect our
wild areas. Best bit of the site is where you can type in your postcode and a map of your
local arae is generated showing local sites of special scientific interest (SSSI).
Clicking on them shows information about each site and whether it is under threat.
Planet: Destination India
Mainly tourist information but may be useful.
Art from India ShalinArt presents Art of India
A site selling Indian art, but you can look at the images.
Welcome to India
Lots of well presented information, but younger surfers may find the
reading level a little hard.
Discover India
An on-line travel magazine.
An Introduction to India
Some useful information, quite a high reading age.
This is the Indian village suggested for study in QCA Unit 10. The
site is run by the charity Action Aid. You can order the recommended
resources and subscribe to the further materials on the site for
very reasonable fee.
If you are looking for Maps there are lots here. Many of the UK sites will let you search
for maps by postcode.
The AA
No actual maps but the routefinder is excellent. Children can
plan a road journey and then follow it on a map or atlas. The route planner gives full
details of the route, mileage and expected journey time.
Gives access to full colour physical and political maps of the countries of the world as
well as a comprehensive collection of key facts and statistics about the countries. A very
useful site for general geographical information.
This is a popular site and access is limited when it is busy. It is often available during
the day.
Breathenet Streetfinder
You can locate from postcodes easily, and zoom in and out, including my village street
Children's Atlas
This is an interactive atlas with basic information about different parts of the world (eg
country populations and other simple information) presented in a colourful way. It is a
carrot for a purchasable atlas with much more information.
Far is it?

Look up the distance as the crow flies between two places on the Earth's surface. You can
ask for towns or give longitude and latitude. Some of those crows fly HUGE distances!
Travellers' guides to cities in the USA. You can get up to date traffic details as well as
locations of places of interest. You can also get maps of cities worldwide and mark them
with places of interest. I found it tediously slow with a 56K modem.
Multimap World Maps
UK Maps
Find anywhere in the world (including street maps).

Excellent site for UK maps. Street maps of London and some other areas and lots of other
easily navigated maps.
World Atlas : Maps and Geography of the World
This one is from About (The Human Internet) and is crammed full of maps and data about the
different countries of the world. I have only had a quick look but it looks good.
World Factbook 1998:
Reference Maps
A selection of maps of areas of the world (in jpg form) with main cities marked. Nice
looking but lacking in detail - certainly not as informative as the equivalent pages in a
printed atlas, and more difficult to read. Outline maps are also available in pdf form.
They show coastal outlines (might be useful to print out for colouring in) but no other
useful information.
Time Interactive Atlas
You have a globe. See where it is day and where it is night. Click on a spot to turn the
globe to face you. Zoom in or out. Find out the time and the times of sunrise and sunset
for today in the cities of the country you have selected. Or choose your country from an
alphabetical list. The site is simple, clear and quick.
European Cities
Interactive Maps
Lonely Planet: Visit Any Country
Lonely Planet: Destination Europe
London Interactive Map
Active Map
Map Machine
Maps of the New Europe
Niagra Falls
Amazon River
A simple site about the Amazon with maps, photos and basic information. Some nice photos
of wildlife and a really good aerial shot of meanders
The River
All sorts of stuff about Old Father Thames.Useful links page.
River Derwent
Walk along the River Roe
This page is dedicated to the River Roe in Ulster. This is a page from the excellent
Limavady site (see Settlements section)
Thames Interactive Map
River Nile
A simple, single-page site with information about the Nile and the countries it flows
through. There are a few useful links.
River Trent
This site follows the River Trent from source to mouth, including aerial photographs,
narrative and useful vocabulary along the upper, middle and lower course of the river. It
has sections on River facts, Flooding, Settlement, Uses and Conservation. A very useful
Coalport is in the Ironbridge Gorge, the first World Heritage Site. This site has is a
must if you are planning to visit the area. There is a virtual tour of Coalport and news
and views about what is going on locally, particularly with relation to the museums.
Not so much an educational site, more a travellers' guide to 15 Cotswold towns and
villages. Written in a pleasantly personal style and giving good information about the
interesting features of the villages, together with photographs. If you are planning a
visit to the Cotswolds, or use them as a contrasting region of study, you will find these
pages very useful.
Gorge Museum Trust
The Ironbridge Gorge was the Silicon Valley of the first Industrial Revolution and was the
first area to be awarded the status of World Heritage Site.Information about the area and
the museums and the beginning of a collection of project activities for pupils who are
visiting the museums (in the Resources section).
Shropshire (Virtual Tour)

A virtual tour of the town of Ironbridge. Each page has a good quality photograph, written
information and navigation arrows to take you further along the street or round the next
corner. An excellent way of preparing children for a visit to the area and its superb

Jochen Lueg, who produced this excellent site says, "This site is full of irrelevant
but valuable information about the Town of Limavady and some of the people that have the
good fortune to live there." Limavady is in Ulster. The site contains photos of the
town and some of its events and characters and lots of information about life in the town.
Lonely Planet:Destination England
A not entirely flattering potted guide to England, its geography, history, economy and
places of interest. Useful background if you are an American thinking of visiting us!
to the Peak District
If you are planning a visit to the Peak District then visit this site first. It is packed
with information about the area, its history, geography, events and accommodation. The
site is well structured and the presentation is both simple and attractive.
An virtual tour of Shrewsbury, by the same team that produced the virtual tour of
Ironbridge (see above).
World: Guide to the UK
A Travel, Tourism and Accommodation guide to the UK. A potentially useful American site
but currently with little hard information. It can, though, produce useful area maps and
lists of local links. Reviewer's
note: There are many sites on the internet which give local information.
Why not visit a search engine such as Google
and simply type in the name of the place you want to know about? You never know what you
will find!
Sustainable Development |
Development Education Program

This one is from the World Bank.It encourages explorers of all ages to investigate on
their own and also offers guidelines and materials for more structured explorations.
There are Learning Modules about Population Growth Rate, LIfe Expectancy at Birth,
Economic Growth and Access to Safe Water. There are useful pages for teachers and lots of
resources. Well worth a look.

LearningChannel is a multimedia web portal on global education. The channel is produced by
OneWorld, the online human rights and sustainable development network, in partnership with
over 300 organisations working in education. LearningChannel allows you to:
* Keep informed on the campaigns, projects, reports and facts from OneWorld partners and
the media
* Read opinion and analysis from leading commentators
* Uncover the success stories of front line educationalists
* Check out the diary of education-related events
* Access a web directory of over 300 organisations working on education issues. |
Tropical Rainforests
Learn about the geography of the Amazon Rainforest. Find out about the inhabitants, and
how they live off the land. Try running an ecotourism project in a simulation based on
those on the Rio Napo in Ecuador.
Photojourney through the
Costa Rican Rainforest
Well described and lots of good quality photos. Lots of short, quick-loading pages.
Rainforest Action Network: Kids' Corner
Rainforest Action Network works to protect the rainforests and the people who live there
through education and the organising of non-violent campaigns. Find out about their work,
and what you can do to help.
The Rainforest

A comprehensive collection of articles and information about rainforests. There is a
contents list and the database is searchable. More suitable for older pupils.
Information Centre
Find out about the latest research into rainforest issues and read news updates from
rainforest conservation projects. Obtain a list of eco friendly suppliers of timber
products. A childrens discussion page has just been set up. Check out the Rainforest
Information Centre Children's Forest Links Page at
Lots of links for children and access to useful info page on rainforests and the dangers
they face.
Rainforest Stories
Read some of the legends of the rainforests. There are experiments for you to try at home,
and pictures for you to print out and colour in.
The Rainforest Tram
The Rainforest Tram is an aerial tramway in the Costa Rican rainforest. This site give
information about the tram and access to useful pages of links and information. The
Quicktime panoramas of the rainforest are worth looking at.
company website

Rain-Tree specialises in medicinal products of rain forest origin. The site has useful
information about the economics of rainforest usage, access to a database of rainforest
plants and their medicinal properties, a fascinating page of rainforest facts, and a
really useful page of categorised links to help with school projects. There is also a
general links page and much much more. A really good resource..
Tropical Rainforest Biome
A site created by American high school students. It gives a limited
amount of information.
Rainforestconcern is a UK charity. Their website has lots of
information about rainforests. Kids will enjoy the virtual
rainforest which is actually a sort of animated book about
rainforest, written in kidspeak. Little insects crawl about and some
of them are clickable to pop up information panels.
Rainforests in Suriname
A virtual tour through the tropical rainforest in Suriname. Read about the flora and
fauna, and the people who live there. Click on the links to look at the photos and listen
to the sounds. Lots of nice photos but rather wordy. Track the URL back to
to get to a worthwhile Botanic Diversity Page..
Toucan Sam's Rainforest Encyclopedia
A simple online information book. Dont expect it to be terifically interactive,
although the information given is easy to read. Sponsored by Kelloggs.
What's It Like Where You Live? Rainforest
A site full of easy to find information, from flora and fauna, to the causes of
destruction. There is information on both temperate and tropical rainforests.
Zoom Rainforests
A Wealth of basic information about many aspects of rainforests with links to further
information all pitched at a level that is accessible for children. Particularly good are
the pages about rainforest animals.
Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Mountains & Caves
Enchanted Learning's Volcanoes page
A nice labelled cross-section of a volcano and several useful
activities for children. EL's stuff isn always worth a look.
Model Volcano
to make from Paper
Old Faithful Webcam
Watch the famous geyser in Yellowstone National Park. The picture is updated about every
20 seconds.
Peakware World Mountain

to the web's premier resource on world mountains and mountaineering. Here you can explore
the world, and network with others who share your love for the high country". An
excellent site for mountain information, well produced - the enthusiasm of the production
team shows through.
The Virtual Cave
This is a great site for those interested in caves. Wonderful photographs.
Volcanoes of the World Part of the
Volcano World site. Links to key parts of Volcano World's Massive site.
Volcanoes in the Learning Web
Volcanoes on Line

This is an excellent site for finding out about volcanoes. It claims to be the "Web's
Premier Volcano Site" and it may be.The stated aims of the site are "to provide
authoritative information about volcanoes to kids and others, with a human touch. We did
not want visitors to feel their computer was downloading information from our
Volcano World
Movie Clips

A collection of movie clips to download, presented in both Quicktime and MPEG formats.
Some of the files are quite large but worth the wait!
Weather & Seasons
This site excellent by Carl Wosniak is all about clouds. There is an excellent page of
downloadable photos. Carl writes: Clouds comprise a wonderful focus for classroom
study. They're ubiquitous, ever-changing, scientifically interesting and, most importantly
for teachers, ... they're cheap.
of the Atmospheric Environment
A Canadian site with masses of information on the atmosphere and weather. Includes lots of
stuff on the health of the atmosphere eg. acid rain, air quality, ozone depletion. Many of
the pages are presented at "younger" and "older" levels (but even the
"younger" pages are a bit wordy).
Four Seasons
A site focusing on environmental education. It includes "The Weather Project",
"Signs of the Seasons" and "Energy and the Weather". An excellent
Geocare Weather Lab

Part of This is a simple introduction to weather forecasting, introducing
some of the basic ideas in meteorology. Each page suggests useful and enjoyuable
Learn about super storms.
Met. Office
The Weatherman's website! Everything you'd ever need for a "Weather" topic....
and then some! Look in the "Education" section first on this huge searchable
Latest Weather Satellite Pictures

Part of the Met Office site. Great pictures in jpeg format updated every six hours. This
is what the Net was made for!
Weather Forecasts: UK
If you want the latest weather forecast for your region then this is the site for you.
Climatic data for the major cities, satellite pictures and even a "weather
window" for your own website. It's all here!
The Tornado Project
All you ever wanted to know about tornadoes but were afraid to ask? Yes, but also a big
push to sell you books, videos and posters! Some useful stuff for teachers can be found in
"The Storm Cellar".
The Weather Dude

American TV weather man, Nick Walker is the Weather Dude. This site includes an online
textbook called Weather Basics in which The Weather Dude explains the weather in simple
terms. There are useful pages on Precipitation, Lightning and Thunder, Clouds, Snow, the
Sun and much more...There are songs about the weather with lyrics and sound clips. There
are also lots of useful links for parents, teacehrs and pupils.
Weather data from around the world. |
Yorkshire Information Centre
North York
Moors, Yorkshire Wolds and Yorkshire Coast
Tourist Board
Botham and Sons, Bakers of Whitby
Yorkshire Coast
of North East England
Captain James Cook
Captain James Cook: the World's Explorer
Other Sites
The Inca Trail
An informative photographic tour of the towns and mountains around Machu Picchu in Peru. |