Creating a web page

Tutorial 1

  1. First try changing the colour and font size of the headings. You can do this by highlighting the headings first.
  2. Then try to make both headings start at the left hand side of the page. (Hint this is called "Align Left"). Can you now centre the headings again?
  3. Next try changing the colour of some of the words in this sentence.
  4. Then try changing the size of one of the words in this sentence that you think is important.

You have now found different ways that text is emphasized (made to stand out) when creating webpages.

Now try to emphasize some words in this sentence by making them italic or by making them bold.


When creating webpages we never underline words or headings. This is because underlining indicates that there is a hyperlink which is way of linking to another webpage (just as we would normally turn a page in a book).

Move your mouse over the hyperlink, it should change to a hand. Click on it to see a hyperlink in action.