Points to consider when preparing for Ofsted Inspection in ICT


When was your last Ofsted Inspection...............how far into the plan should you be?

What are your key worries about them coming?

As long as you can show them where the school has moved on and where it is
yet to go then I wouldn't worry as a co-ordinator. I had been at my present
school for 4 weeks when we were Ofsteded and I had spent loads of time
auditing, getting out all the ICT stuff we had, putting up displays etc, etc,
etc, putting together a plan of where I saw the school
going..............and I got a glowing report but it was a key area of
improvement for the school. It doesn't/shouldn't fall all on your
shoulders. In my school I have now made each curriculum co-ordinator make
ICT a priority in their own area and feed back to me as well as me do a
load of donkey work as well. It is such a big area that all co-ordinators
HAVE to take a share of the responsibility in their area. Does everyone

Collect LOADS of evidence.............digital camera...........lots of
evidence on disk of the children's work at the different year groups (it
doesn't have to be printed out copies), made sure all the curriculum areas
are represented in the gathering of evidence.................have tons of
ICT displays photographed between then and now..............lots of stuff
on display when they come, all computers being used to max. and a range of
work being planned for the period they are there so they can't say they
haven't seen evidence of whatever..........
