Here are ten questions about light. Find the answers to these questions by clicking on the lighthouse after each one.  You could write down the answers as you find them or you could do a bit of multi-tasking by clicking here and typing them into a word processor. Good luck! Ready? GO!

1 How does light travel? At what speed does light travel?

Click here to find the answer to Question 1

2 How do we actually see things? Click here to find the answer to Question 2
3 What does a prism do to white light from the Sun? How are rainbows formed? Click here to find the answer to Question 3
4 Play "Quick as a Flash" (Game No. 3). How fast were you? Download your prize! Click here to find the answer to Question 4
5 In Herman's Grid you can see fuzzy dots in the intersections. Are they really there? What causes them? Click here to find the answer to Question 5
6 What are the primary colours of light? What happens when all three are mixed? Click here to find the answer to Question 6
7 We all know that we get light from the Sun but what is the Sun? How big is it? Click here to find the answer to Question 7
8 Isaac Newton discovered that light is made up of seven different coloured rays. What did he called them? Click here to find the answer to Question 8
9 Complete this activity about light. What are reflectors? How are shadows formed? Click here to find the answer to Question 9
10 What is the difference between "transparent", "translucent" and "opaque" materials? Give an example of each. Click here to find the answer to Question 10

Now you've answered all of the questions why not click here and print out this word search about light. Or you could click here and try these control exercises where you have to make the lights flash in the correct sequence.

Thanks to Tony Poulter for this Cyberhunt